
mardi 27 mars 2018

MidnightCore is a set of Magisk Modules for changing fonts, boot animations, and system sounds

Customization is a big deal in the Android world. Everything from the launcher to the boot animation is fair game. A phone doesn't truly feel like your own until it's customized just right. Magisk Modules are a great way to do this. MidnightCore is an all-in-one module from XDA Senior Member OldMid. It allows you to tinker with the system fonts, boot animation, system sounds, lock screen, and more. Check out the forum post below for more information and look for the MidnightCore module in the Magisk Manager repo.

What's Included:

  • MidnightFonts – systemlessly apply fonts from 40+ options
  • MidnightMedia – change boot animation, UI sounds, lock sounds, and more
  • MidnightMake: Fonts Add-on – create Recovery Flashable zips of any font available in the MidnightFonts Module
  • MidnightMisc – group of tools and utilities that can be used by both devs and users to make life, debugging and other things easier

Read more in the Magisk forum

from xda-developers

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