
jeudi 3 août 2017

Limited by Your HTC U11’s Edge Sense? Try Edge Sense Plus For More Shortcuts and Features!

Launchers in general are what make Android (and really any OS outside of iOS) as special as they are, at least when you look at it from a non-coder, end user perspective. Every device manufacturer in this day and age has their very own flavor to separate themselves from the competition. However, if it wasn't for the aid of the community, most launchers would likely still look like the barren desert that used to be the Windows Mobile home screen. With this in mind, our community keeps on finding creative ways to improve on the design of manufacturers by using feedback from power users and the likes of people who would squeeze the juice out of devices like the HTC U11. This is how Edge Sense Plus was born.

Arguably, the one who started the trend of improving launchers was HTC back in the yester-years of Windows Mobile with the release of their TouchFLO interface. At that time, they needed something new and refreshing because Apple had just showed the world that there was life beyond Windows Mobile. On top of that, a few other manufacturers had started getting into the PDA-Phone game (namely Sony, Toshiba, LG, and Samsung). Some launchers for the now-defunct operating system were available from 3rd parties and even a few from communities like ours, but none came close to the graphical beauty that was HTC's offering.

Having said this, TouchFLO was limited (and sometimes purposely crippled depending on which variant of the device you looked at). So, after many iterations and device releases, Sense was born. This was a unique interface, which combined app-like items on the home screens, which we now know as widgets, shortcuts, action buttons, and gorgeous 3D animations for things like photo gallery and e-mail previews. Oh yes, Sense was the pinnacle of perfection, or was it? Despite all the aforementioned, people wanted more out of Sense. For instance, more on-homescreen shortcuts were always sought after. Not too long after that came one of our site's most infamous members, XDA Retired Recognized Developer Co0kieMonster, who brought us C0okie's Home Tab for Sense. This was an add-on to Sense, which extended its core functions substantially. 
Fast forward to today (about 7 years later), and HTC is out and about with their brand new offering in the Sense UI, attempting to innovate by means of the hardware offered in the new HTC U11 and the squeezable frame which, in all reality, is HTC's take on edge/second screen tech offered by competitors. While it is a good and refreshing take on the "getting more out of your device" concept, our devs figured that it can be taken a few steps further. So, with that in mind, XDA Recognized Developer j to the 4n came to the rescue with Edge Sense Plus.

So, what can you do with this? Well, if you ever wanted to choke your device and make it squeal out of pure frustration, you can now do that. One of the more "fun" features that this app adds to the UI is the ability to play a specific sound file (ie mp3) when you trigger the featureby squeezing. Alternatively, you can also experience the joy that Homer Simpson feels when he gets to choke Bart, while yelling "why you little?"

There are, of course, more useful things that one can do. For instance, according to XDA Recognized Themer Basil3, Edge Sense Plus allows you to perform 27 different actions, use a Sidebar (like the Edge panel), play sounds (as described above), and even use the G-Sensor in some inventive way.

Custom actions:

Currently you can choose from 27 different actions, including:

  • Sidebar
  • Custom App
  • Shortcuts – e.g. to make direct calls!
  • Recent Apps
  • Toggle Autorotation
  • Autobrightness (6 states: Auto, Min, Low, Mid, High, Max)
  • Split Screen
  • Expand/Collapse Statusbar
  • Split Screen

So, if you own an U11, head over to the Edge Sense Plus thread and start playing with the endless possibilities that this mod adds to the user experience.

Check it out! 

from xda-developers

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